¸£ÀûÑо¿ËùSteel and System Construction will realise your steel construction projects. We specialise in the construction of steel bridges and of bridges built from composite precast beams. We also offer comprehensive expertise in structural steel engineering and in the composite construction of bridges and steel-framed buildings.
Our in-house production plant in Zahna-Elster allows us to offer our customers considerable benefits in terms of time, quality and flexibility, and enables us to respond individually to their requests and specifications. ¸£ÀûÑо¿Ëùhas its own teams of experts in all key trades along the entire construction value chain and thus offers comprehensive expertise from a single source. We carry out safe and economical planning and construction in line with the ¸£ÀûÑо¿Ëùprinciple: integrity, reliability, commitment to the customer and the team, and collaborative partnership define our work.
Through the approval certificate of the independent österreichischen Forschungsgesellschaft Straße - Schiene - Verkehr, based on the RVS 15.05.11 "Corrosion protection of steel and aluminium structures", we are authorised to permanently protect metallic components against corrosion damage by means of various coatings.
Sustainable action is an essential part of our social responsibility and at the same time the foundation of our success. Therefore, we attach great importance to circular value creation in line with the applicable framework conditions of environmental, waste and construction law. The recognised monitoring body Güteschutz Hessenbeton e.V. confirms that our concrete parts of the entire production have proven suitability and environmental harmlessness, in accordance with the Monitoring and Certification Ordinance Part 8 (ÜZO-8:2022-05). Thus, all concrete parts are suitable to be used in Germany as processed raw material in the circular value chain.