Tunnelling is one of the most demanding disciplines in construction engineering and also happens to be one of PORR’s core competencies. Underground construction requires specialist expertise, innovation, flexibility, and a talent for technological solutions. In addition to the priority of conserving the environment and resources, key factors for ¸£ÀûÑо¿Ëùinclude occupational health and safety and quality. As a reliable partner we have a strong track record with our technical expertise in every common tunnelling method (gripper TBM, open shield, EPB and hydro shield) as well as with cross sections from 6 to 13 metres.
Our service range stretches from building traffic tunnels such as road, metro and railway tunnels, along with infrastructure facilities, right through to the supply of drinking water. District heating pipes, wastewater pipes and cable ducts along with other underground construction such as galleries, shafts, caverns or hydraulic engineering complete the range.
We employ the following technologies:
- Conventional tunnelling (cyclical) using the New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM)
- Mechanical (continuous) tunnelling with tunnel boring machines (TBMs) with diameters of 2.5m to more than 13m
- Tunnelling with a hard-rock TBM (gripper machine) with subsequent inner lining of in-situ concrete
- Tunnelling with shield TBM with simultaneous single-layer segmental lining or double-layer with segments and in-situ concrete lining
- Hydro-shield tunnelling: tunnelling with a slurry-supported working face, segmental lining
- Earth-pressure-balance shields (EPB) with face support by balancing the earth pressure, segmental lining
- Multimode tunnelling with alternating operating modes (EPB/slurry-supported/open), segmental lining
- Mechanical tunnelling with tube extrusion technology with partial or full section methods, using a slurry-supported working face if necessary, tube diameters from 1.5m to more than 4m